If your company sends product shipments overseas, then you may be familiar with heat-treated pallets. These special pallets are mandatory for all wood-based packing materials that carry goods and other exports to global destinations. This requirement is in place because the wood used to create pallets is often full of insects and other pests. Without some precautions, those bugs will travel from their place of origin and infest the location where the pallets are delivered. As the pallets are built, the wood is subjected to intense heat for at least 30 minutes to kill any insects that may have burrowed inside. An internationally recognized stamp is then marked onto the wood to indicate that it is safe for use. Besides being an effective way to stop the spread of pests around the world, here are 3 more benefits of using heat-treated pallets.

1) Heat-treated pallets are resistant to mold, bacteria, and rot

Moisture can affect wood in significant ways. If a regular pallet is used in a damp environment, the wood can become susceptible to mold and bacterial growth. The products on the pallet can, in turn, become contaminated by the mold and other harmful microorganisms. Heat-treated pallets prevent this problem, as the ability to retain moisture has been eliminated from the wood and is less likely to attract unhealthy bacteria. Additionally, heat-treated pallets are more resistant to rot than standard pallets. While typical pallets will decay after too much exposure to wet conditions, heat-treated pallets are not affected by the damage that water can create. This makes heat-treated pallets invulnerable to deterioration and better suited for long-term use in a variety of climates.

2) Heat-treated pallets weigh less

Since heat-treated wood has had all moisture removed, these pallets are not as heavy as regular pallets. Heat-treated pallets can weigh several pounds less than traditional pallets. This lighter wood can mean big savings for shipping purposes. Not only is the pallet easier to lift and move, but it is also more likely to lead to reduced fuel costs due to a minimized load weight in the truck or other carrier vehicle. This is particularly relevant in shipments that contain large amounts of pallets - the lighter the overall load is, the smaller the price tag will be for transportation.

3) Heat-treated pallets are better for the environment than plastic pallets

As a biodegradable medium, wood is a popular choice for pallet production, because it can be recycled easier than other kinds of pallets once it is ready for disposal. Wood can be broken down into mulch for gardening and landscaping or into wood chips that could provide a clean power source for some homes. Wood can also be reprocessed into pulp for paper or organic material for building. In fact, a recent study of the full life cycle of both wood and plastic pallets discovered that the wood pallets were safer for the environment. The heat-treated pallets demonstrated a lower carbon footprint than their plastic counterparts. This is good news for companies looking for ecologically sound shipping alternatives.

Whether you need to comply with international shipping regulations or you just want a more durable option that will last longer in the elements, heat-treated pallets can provide an environmentally-friendly solution that is easy to transport and maintain.

For more information on heat-treated pallets, reach out to a local pallet supplier.
